16 January 2024
Do you want a say in Sheffield’s clinical and social care strategy? Sheffield Health and Social Care is holding an event on 30 January from 10am to 1pm, with updates from key speakers, interactive sessions to learn more about the different pieces of work that are happening, and opportunities to provide your feedback and input into future plans.
FULL ARTICLE08 September 2023
As part of the Government’s mission to support more people into work, the Department for Work and Pensions has launched a consultation on changes to the Work Capability Assessment, following the landmark Health and Disability White Paper published earlier this year. The DWP is keen to hear views from a wide group of citizens, especially disabled people and disability organisations.
The closing date is 30 October 2023
FULL ARTICLE24 August 2023
Sheffield Council are keen to know what your experience of using their new ‘Have Your Say Sheffield’ website has been and whether any changes are needed to make it more user friendly, effective and accessible for digital engagement with communities. Their survey closes on Monday 28 August.
FULL ARTICLE24 August 2023
Sheffield Cycling 4 All, our inclusive cycling project, is carrying out a review and would like to find out what they can do to encourage more people to engage with them. If you have never cycled with them before and have time to fill out their short survey it would be massively appreciated.
FULL ARTICLE14 July 2023
The proposed closure of most rail ticket offices across the country is a concern for many disabled people. The picture is mixed across Sheffield and nearby destinations in terms of the impact. Read on to find out more about the proposed cuts and how to make your voice heard most effectively by the 1st of September.
Throughout June and July, Sheffield Adult Social Care is running a series of conversations with local people about how they can work together to shape and improve their services. You are invited to join them for the Festival Launch Event on Tuesday 6 June, on What Matters to You Day to explore what good involvement looks like and where the opportunities may lie.
FULL ARTICLE17 March 2023
Sheffield City Council is running a survey to gather information on whether, and what hot spots there are for issues with certain forms of pavement parking and obstructing dropped kerb crossing points. The short timescale ( closing date 27 March ) seems to indicate a wish to minimise the issue so please make it a priority to show council parking service otherwise!
FULL ARTICLE10 February 2023
Sheffield Health and Social Care want to improve community mental health services for people with serious mental illness, holding engagement events with service users, their families and carers during February and March.
FULL ARTICLE10 January 2023
Sheffield Voices would like to announce their next, We Speak You Listen event at Hillsborough Arena on 27th January. Sheffield Voices are working in partnership with Sheffield Health and Social Care and Healthwatch to find out what people want mental health services for people with learning disabilities and Autism to look like going forward.
FULL ARTICLE17 July 2022
Sheffield Voices was commissioned by the Clinical Commissioning Group to run a series of events in May to find out what people with learning disabilities and autistic people feel about health services in Sheffield. They connected with around 100 people who were able to give their views in this Easy Read report.
FULL ARTICLESign up to our latest news on local and national disability related issues and events
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Andrew Crooks
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