Disability Sheffield
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Blog Archive

  • October Disability Network Events

    October Disability Network Events

    We’re building a strong network of disabled people in the city to discuss current issues, influence policy, create connections and learn from one another. It’s an exciting time. Let’s talk about it together. Come along to our Network events in October to connect, chat + change.

  • Our Factsheet on Energy Issues

    Our Factsheet on Energy Issues

    As the cold weather returns, it’s really important to know where to find the latest local and national guidance on support with fuel bills, energy schemes and tips to keep as warm as possible and stay safe and well. Look no further because over the past few weeks we’ve spent time trying to bring all of that information together in our Energy Efficiency Factsheet for you.

  • Let's Make an IMPACT

    Let's Make an IMPACT

    IMPACT stands for Improving Adult Care Together .We are looking for disabled people who would like to work with us as part of a new IMPACT network and can commit to 4 meetings over the next few months. Participation payments and PA costs may be available.

  • Sheffield Voices Big Voice on Employment

    Sheffield  Voices Big Voice on Employment

    Our Sheffield Voices self advocacy group would like to invite you to their next Big Voice Conference on October 4th from 10am to 2pm at Sheffield Town Hall. The main theme for this conference is Employment, Volunteering and Meaningful Activity. This event is for people with a learning disability and Autistic people living in the Sheffield area and we also welcome service representatives.

  • Blue Badge Focus Group Report

    Blue Badge Focus Group Report

    “We have lost a lot of Blue Badge space in the centre.” “Seriously detrimental, it is a lot, lot worse since Covid.“They are ignoring a whole community’s needs and it is
    disgraceful.” These are a few comments expressed at our recent focus group. Participants gave their open and honest feedback about the barriers and issues across Sheffield centre for Blue Badge holders, captured in our report.

  • Join Us in Nominating Chella!

    Join Us in Nominating Chella!

    Every year, Cycling UK, highlight 100 exceptional women who promote cycling and encourage others to take part. This year we are nominating SC4A cyclist Chella Quint who has been borrowing an e-trike from our cycle loan scheme. Chella is a well-known menstrual activism campaigner, community champion and influencer. Join us in nominating Chella by 30 June.

  • Logo Competition Winners Announced!

    Logo Competition Winners Announced!

    Thank you to everyone who entered our logo competition last month to find a logo for the Sheffield Travel Support service. We were amazed by the number of entries we received from all over Sheffield. We’ve had a very difficult time choosing a winner, but after a lot of thought we are very proud to announce our top three!

  • What a Week for Learning Disability

    What a Week for Learning Disability

    Learning Disability Week runs from 17th – 23rd June 2024, with the theme ‘Do You See Me?’. The annual campaign aims to raise awareness of the lives of people with a learning disability and ensure they are a visible, valued part of society. Our Self advocacy group, Sheffield Voices is celebrating all their achievements with a picnic on Tuesday as they head towards their Big Voice Event on Access at the Town Hall on Friday 21 June from 10am to 3pm. They are very much seen and heard ! Check out what else is happening.

  • We're Hiring Travel Support Workers!

    We're Hiring Travel Support Workers!

    Disability Sheffield has recently taken over the operation of the Sheffield Travel Support service. As a result we are looking to recruit up to 3 part-time Travel Support Workers, initially on £12 per hour zero-hours contracts whilst we work out the services needs. The closing date to apply is Sunday 30th June.

  • We're Hiring Advocacy Workers!

    We're Hiring Advocacy Workers!

    We want Sheffield to be a centre of excellence for advocacy and are looking to recruit more Independent Advocates to enable this to happen. Disability Sheffield is part of the Sheffield Advocacy Hub, and all organisations in the hub are currently recruiting advocates. The closing date for applications to Disability Sheffield has been extended and is now 9am on Wednesday 3rd July 2024.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
The service received was rated as:  

training feedback

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
The service received was rated as:  

feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks