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Blog Archive

  • Have your Say on Housing Strategy

    Have your Say on Housing Strategy

    Sheffield City Council want to hear your views on the future of housing in Sheffield. Earlier this year, they asked you what mattered to you most about housing which helped shape their draft Housing Strategy. Your further input is vital to influence a strategy that meets the needs of our community. The survey is open until 28 July.

  • Scrutinize the Housing and Neighbourhood Service

    Scrutinize the Housing and Neighbourhood Service

    Would you like to be part of a Scrutiny Panel or become a Mystery Shopper for Sheffield City Council?. By being involved as a volunteer you can help to measure the quality of their Housing and Neighbourhood Service and give your own feedback on the service you’ve received as a tenant.

  • Housing Ombudsman Calls for Evidence

    Housing Ombudsman Calls for Evidence

    The Housing Ombudsman is urging the social housing sector to get to grips with social injustices as many of their cases show a failure to fulfil obligations around human rights, including the Equality Act or to adhere to vulnerable persons policy. You can give your views in their survey calling for evidence which closes on 3 August 2023.

  • Sheffield Local Plan - Make Your Voice Heard

    Sheffield Local Plan - Make Your Voice Heard

    If you are interested in contributing your thoughts to Sheffield’s Draft Local Plan you can do so individually, come along to the next Access Liaison Group meeting on the 8th of February at 10am on Zoom, or email your thoughts to us at Disability Sheffield by 10th of February.

  • Call For Action Over Unsafe Housing

    Call For Action Over Unsafe Housing

    An organisation which calls for rules to protect disabled people who are living in potentially unsafe housing conditions is urging them to write to their MPs to help ensure better evacuation plans. Claddag advocates for disabled people caught up in the building safety scandal, which came to light after the tragic events at Grenfell Tower.

  • New HoME group demands next government increase accessible housing

    New HoME group demands next government increase accessible housing

    A coalition of organisations is campaigning for accessible housing under the banner ‘HoME – Housing Made for Everyone.’ The group has written an open letter to the next government to demand that urgent action is taken to tackle the growing shortage of accessible homes in the UK.

  • Budget 2018 Overview

    Disability Rights UK (DRUK) has summarised the key points of the Budget 2018 for disabled people if you wish to see an overview. As a ‘no deal Brexit’ is still a possibility next March’s Spring Statement could be upgraded to a full Budget – this could mean that some of the Budget 2018 proposals detailed could be amended.

  • Have you been unfairly treated by your landlord because you're disabled?

    Citizens Advice would like to interview anyone who thinks they’ve ever been treated unfairly or badly by a landlord, letting agent or property manager and thought it might be because they are disabled. Citizens Advice are writing some new advice content to help people check if they’re being discriminated against in housing, and give them guidance on what to do about it. They would like to speak to people for about 45-minutes, ask them about their experience and show them a few web pages of advice to see what they think of it. As a thankyou Citizens Advice are offering a £50 gift card for your time and support.

  • Housing and Disabled People : Britain's Hidden Crisis

    An Equality and Human Rights Commission inquiry has revealed that disabled people are disadvantaged in almost every part of the housing market,that there is a significant shortage of accessible homes and that many disabled people are frustrated by the housing system.The inquiry also found that disabled people reported improved physical and mental health and well being, enhanced prospects for employment and study when their homes met their access requirements.

  • Check Your Allowance for Housing Costs

    If you have a Care and Support package from Adult Social Care, or a Personal Budget, or an Individual Budget, this new allowance for your mortgage payment should significantly reduce the amount of your Contribution.

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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training