27 November 2024
Would you be willing to attend a workshop on Thursday 12 December at Heritage Room, Medical School to offer your perspective as a person with lived experience of diabetes on the development of a diabetic foot health monitoring project? You will receive travel expenses for attending and a ‘thank you’ voucher to acknowledge your participation of £25 per hour.
FULL ARTICLE28 June 2024
Do you live in South Yorkshire, are between 16-39 years old, and have Type 2 Diabetes? Share your experience on the best way to promote information relating to Type 2 Diabetes and be in with a chance of winning £100 in shopping vouchers.
This Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week, Diabetes UK are particularly encouraging men aged under 40 to take a quick test to understand their T2D risk. Anyone can check their risk score for free online or visit any of the 370 Tesco pharmacies across the UK. With the right care and support many cases of type 2 diabetes can be prevented or put into remission.
FULL ARTICLE06 April 2022
This year Ramadan started on 2 April for 29 or 30 days and ends with Eid al-Fitr in May.Diabetes UK has produced factsheets about diabetes and Ramadan, which include fasting and managing your diabetes during the holy month. They have been developed in partnership with the Muslim Council of Britain’s Diabetes Advisory Group.
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