17 December 2022
Sheffield City Council is promoting a new free service helping people to keep warm and save on energy. The Local Energy Advice Service ( LEAP )provides free advice and acts as a first point of contact to put you in touch with support from organisations such as Groundworks Yorkshire and their Green Doctor scheme.
FULL ARTICLE07 October 2022
Do you need some extra support with energy advice? Here’s a round up of what’s available from energy advice services including SCOPE’s Disability Energy Support Service, The Green Doctor and National Energy Action drop ins plus tips from Sheffield City Council and Easy Read information from Speakup Self Advocacy.
FULL ARTICLE10 June 2022
If you are passionate about addressing poverty, inequality and discrimination in Sheffield and want to help one of the city’s leading charities, Citizens Advice Sheffield are recruiting for two new trustees. They are not necessarily expecting anyone to have prior trustee experience and are particularly keen to talk to people with experience of the issues faced by their clients either personally or professionally, whose values match their own.
FULL ARTICLE04 April 2022
A brand-new dementia advice service was launched on 1st April for people living with dementia and their family carers in Sheffield.The Dementia Advice Sheffield (DAS) service, delivered by Age UK Sheffield and funded by Sheffield City Council, is a one-stop shop, first point of contact service to respond to any non-clinical, dementia-related query.
FULL ARTICLE23 March 2022
Sheffield SENDIAS, which offers information, advice and support over Special Educational Needs and Disability, is now running free weekly Zoom information sessions to help parents, carers and young people understand SEND support and EHC Plans.
FULL ARTICLE24 February 2022
If you need legal advice or help but are unable to afford it, you may like to be aware that both Sheffield’s universities have departments that can offer support for free with various legal issues. These are also known as ‘pro bono’ services after a Latin term meaning “for the good of the public”.
FULL ARTICLE05 July 2021
Today sees the launch of Sheffield’s new ‘Worrying About Money?’ leaflet to help people experiencing financial insecurity, and those supporting them, to easily identify and access appropriate financial support and advice. By helping people access any existing financial entitlements and advice,the hope is to reduce the need for emergency food aid.
The Government’s roadmap out of lockdown calendar moves onto a further stage today as part of the country’s slow easing out of Covid restrictions. This includes shops and indoor hospitality re-opening and up to 6 people or 2 households being able to meet indoors. However a new COVID-19 variant is spreading in some parts of England and the government is urging caution during this phase in order to continue to stay safe.If getting ‘back to normal’ is causing worries visit the Every Mind Matters COVID-19 hub for simple tips and advice.
FULL ARTICLE19 August 2020
People claiming benefits often reach out for advice on how to deal with the system – but unfortunately not all advisors are honest and exploit benefit claimants to make money while providing poor or non-existent support. Activist group Disabled People Against Cuts is asking people to tell them about their experiences as they launch a campaign to try to stop these sharks. DPAC has also issued its own advice about selecting a benefits advisor preferably from Citizens Advice.
Consumer advice organisation Which? have produced a new guide detailing the latest advice on having groceries delivered if you or someone you know is vulnerable or shielding from coronavirus.
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