22 February 2024
When a family member or friend is in hospital you might be concerned about what will happen when they leave hospital. With this in mind , Carers UK has produced a factsheet about ‘Coming out of Hospital’ alongside advice and information: about what to expect and your rights and choices as an unpaid carer. Locally Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care’s Back Home Scheme’ may be able to help.
FULL ARTICLE13 December 2022
Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care has recently set up a free scheme to provide practical assistance to the over 65s to get rooms winter ready.Their team can help to move, for example ,furniture into or out of a room or away from radiators, retrieve stored blankets/clothes and collect small white goods such as heaters.
FULL ARTICLE01 December 2021
A new inclusive befriending service for BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) communities in Sheffield has been set up. The Inclusive Community Care project is part of Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care’s existing Good Neighbout scheme, helping to reduce older people’s feelings of loneliness and isolation through regular telephone support and friendly visits to their home.
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Andrew Crooks
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