23 March 2022
Sheffield SENDIAS, which offers information, advice and support over Special Educational Needs and Disability, is now running free weekly Zoom information sessions to help parents, carers and young people understand SEND support and EHC Plans.
FULL ARTICLE30 September 2021
Family, Adult and Community Education Service – FACES – is part of Sheffield City Council and delivers adult learning courses in community settings across the city for adults aged 19 years and over.Representavies of FACES will be at Parkwood E-Act Academy, on Longley Avenue West, S5 8UL on Thursday 21st October from 3.30pm if you’d like to have a chat about courses.
FULL ARTICLE02 September 2020
Due to the impact of COVID-19 the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals are leading on a project to develop a new online learning tool for care workers who support people with neurological conditions.From October Neurocare KnowHow is hosting online co-design workshops and looking for people living with a neurological condition, their PAs and family members interested in taking part.There will be later opportunities to be involved in filming and testing the resource.
FULL ARTICLE29 March 2018
Local organisation, Reach South Sheffield, working with people living in the communities of Gleadless Valley, Lowedges, Batemoor and Jordanthorpe, to overcome barriers and inequalities, has announced their latest range of community learning courses.
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Andrew Crooks
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