22 August 2023
Emosi is Sheffield’s only purpose built Transcultural Therapy Centre for children aged 2-12 years, aimed at giving children with emotional and behavioural challenges the very best start in life. Emosi, which means ‘emotion’ in a number of different languages, is a safe place where children are supported as they transition through developmental stages at their own pace in a child-led environment.
FULL ARTICLE10 November 2019
Sheffield Mind’s ‘The Ripple Effect’ is a bereavement ‘navigation service’ designed to enable people to access emotional and practical support after the loss of a loved one. It provides up to 3 months of one-to-one support and additional group activities in Greenhill, Beauchief and surrounding areas for people experiencing bereavement. The ‘ripple effect’ comes when the newly empowered individual shares their skills and confidence with others in the community.
FULL ARTICLE18 August 2016
Are you over 50 and feeling isolated or lonely? Sheffield Mind are working in your area offering free one to one counselling to help you start reconnecting with people and your local community.
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Andrew Crooks
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