11 April 2024
Hello. My name is Paul Ntulila, and I’m thrilled to be the Community Engagement Coordinator at Disability Sheffield. My goal is to create a strong, thriving community of disabled people in Sheffield who can work with us to influence policies and decisions or even just meet up for a coffee and a chat. I recently travelled to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland to advocate for disabled people’s rights.
FULL ARTICLE06 June 2023
Our voices are often passed over by people in charge. Disability Sheffield wants this to change – we’re launching a new engagement network on Wednesday 7 June to take disabled people’s voices directly to decision makers. Join us at the Showroom Workstation at whichever session is best for you to have your say on Sheffield City Council’s new personalisation and direct payments strategy.
FULL ARTICLE08 January 2023
Sheffield Health and Social Care want to improve community mental health services for people with serious mental illness, holding engagement events with service users, their families and carers on 17 & 19 January. An online survey also seeks your views on Sheffield’s physical health strategy for people living with SMI, people with learning disabilities and autistic people.
FULL ARTICLESign up to our latest news on local and national disability related issues and events
feedback training
Andrew Crooks
training feedback
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