23 August 2023
Do you have a learning disability and have good ideas about how to make life better for people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families? If so you may wish to volunteer to be on Inclusion North’s Board of Directors. The closing date for applications is Friday September 8th.
FULL ARTICLE14 February 2019
Inclusion North, an organisation set up to help people with learning disabilities and autism and their families feel more included in society, have released another edition of their news bulletin. It’s full of exciting news for people with learning disabilities or autism.
FULL ARTICLE19 June 2017
The focus of this year’s learning Disability Week is employment and Mencap have produced a number of guides for people with a learning disability and for employers.
FULL ARTICLE08 June 2017
Inclusion North works in the North East and Yorkshire & Humber promoting the inclusion of people with learning disabilities, their families and carers and helping people to get the lives they want.
FULL ARTICLE14 September 2016
Sheffield City Council is planning to develop local community and day activities for adults with learning disabilities. The Council is holding the first of a number of a ‘co-production’ events with Inclusion North on 28th September 2016 and inviting people who use services, family carers and providers .
FULL ARTICLESign up to our latest news on local and national disability related issues and events
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Andrew Crooks
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