13 August 2023
Do you know an organisation or individual that’s working hard to achieve disability equality? Then you may be interested in entering them for an award to recognise their good work. You can nominate people and organisations. Disability charity Scope is running the awards with several categories including ones for influencers, journalists, role models, campaigns and accessible products. Nominations for the 2024 awards will close on 6 October 2023.
FULL ARTICLE18 July 2023
A state-of-the-art buggy which fixes to wheelchairs, designed by Sheffield Hallam University student,Tom Baker, has won a major design competition. Bolt Burdon Kemp’s ‘Design the Change’ Competition raises awareness of the day-to-day challenges facing people with spinal cord injuries.
FULL ARTICLE19 April 2023
The annual Dignity Awards celebrate outstanding examples of best practice in adult social care and support in Sheffield.
Would you like to nominate someone for a Dignity award, someone who has gone the extra mile in the last year (April 2022 – March 2023) in supporting you or someone you know to achieve the outcomes in Sheffield’s Vision for Adult Social Care. The deadline for nominations is Wednesday 31 May 2023.
25 May 2022
The insurance company, Ecclesiastical, is giving £1million to support charity projects that are helping to make a real difference in their communities, in awards of £1,000. There are three separate draws throughout this year. That’s three chances for your favourite charity to win a £1,000 donation.
£1,000 could make a real difference to the work we do at Disability Sheffield so please consider nominating us by the closing date of 30 May. Thank you so much for your support!
28 June 2021
We are so proud that our brilliant Chief Executive Officer, Emily Morton, has set a shining example by being recognised as a star in a prestigious charity awards. Emily was chosen as one of the ‘Small Charities Coalition Stars for 2021’ out of 130 nominations to showcase some of the UK’s unsung heroes from small charities, sharing their stories and achievements and raising awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector.
Please consider nominating us for the Movement for Good Awards.Your nomination could be the one that helps us win £1000 to enable our Sheffield Voices Group to work with other learning disability groups to deliver disability discrimination and hate crime training.The more nominations we get, the greater our chance of winning, so please spread the word. The closing date for nominations is Friday 17 May. Thanks so much for your support!
FULL ARTICLE23 November 2018
Disability Sheffield is in store on 3rd December to highlight the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. We are proud and grateful to be the Local Charity Of The Year for Sainsbury’s Division Street branch and we’ll be there with an information stall from 11am to 2pm.Having a presence in the store is a great opportunity for Sainsbury’s customers calling in over lunchtime to meet the faces behind our logo ,find out all about our work in the city and the services we offer and for us to say thank you in person.
FULL ARTICLE30 July 2018
We are proud to announce that Disability Sheffield has won the Local Charity Of The Year award for Sainsbury’s Division Street branch. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to staff and customers who voted for us and we really appreciate your support for our work.
FULL ARTICLE21 June 2018
We are proud to announce that Disability Sheffield has been shortlisted for the Local Charity of the Year award at the Sainsbury’s on Division Street in the city centre.We hope we have your vote next time you call in to shop there. Thank you.
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Andrew Crooks
Company limited by guarantee registered in Cardiff, Number 4639160 and a registered charity Number 1112712 | Web Design Chesterfield by CNS Media