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Access at Sheffield Mass Vaccination Site

Access at Sheffield Mass Vaccination Site

If you are invited for vaccination in the coming days then you will now have the option to use the mass vaccination site at Sheffield Arena. You must have an appointment and book through the website shown in your letter, or by calling 119 so you can select the accessibility options that you require.

This access information was valid when we visited the site to understand and make suggestions to improve accessibility. We will update this information if there are any changes that we are made aware of.

For the mass vaccination site at Sheffield Arena, the following support is available:

  • Limited BSL interpretation through a digital device.
  • Wheelchairs if you do not have your own and have limited mobility.
  • Toilets are available on site including an accessible loo which includes some changing places facilities. These will only be available if you are near your booked time slot as they are beyond the reception area.
  • Assistance to guide you through the process where needed. Note: from check-in there will be staff at regular intervals which might be enough for your needs.

If arriving by car:

  • There is a drop off zone approximately 25m from the entrance. Where possible please drop off and park up where directed.
  • There is blue badge parking if you are driving yourself. Staff should be near the drop off zone to assist.

If travelling by public transport, do not arrive more than 15 minutes early as you may have to wait offsite. If your journey is delayed, then admission should not be a problem up to an hour after your arrival (unless after closing time!).

If you are blind or partially sighted then you can either bring a person with you as a guide, or there will be support to guide you through the process, including facilitating social distancing. If you are comfortable with the Tram then Arena/Olympic Legacy Park is the nearest tram stop.

For people with autism there are measures in place should a quiet space be required. However, the preference will be to accelerate people who need it through the process quickly. You should be aware that the main arena is a large open space with privacy bays for the injection area. If being in large spaces, or a crowd is difficult for you, then your GP might be able to offer a better process.

Giving feedback after you are vaccinated

Feedback on the vaccination process should be sent direct to: sheffieldccg.feedback@nhs.net
You can also send this to: info@disabilitysheffield.org.uk if you want us to be aware of the praise or grumble.

Walkthrough of the process

What to expect at Sheffield Arena mass vaccination site:

  1. There will be event management staff around the edge of the site. Do not turn up early and be ready with your appointment details.
  2. The site operates a one-way system. When you arrive, you will reach a check in desk to formally register. Normally only one carer or guide will be admitted for those people who require support.
  3. There is a queuing area which is split into several channels leading to specific groups of vaccination pods. You will need to queue in a socially distanced manner.
  4. When you are at the front of a queue a steward will call/direct you to the next pod that is free.
  5. Some details will be taken, and questions asked so that you understand the normal side effects of the vaccine and are happy to be vaccinated.
  6. The nurse delivering the injections will then come and vaccinate you (probably whilst someone else is being invited into the other half of the pod [which is partitioned off] to receive their Q&A as you had in point 5).
  7. If you drove yourself to the site, you will not be able to leave for 15 minutes and seating will be provided to wait. All other individuals will exit immediately via the other corner of the building as part of the one-way system.


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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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