29 November 2019
The national charity supporting adults and young people with autism, learning disabilities, mental health conditions and complex needs since 1986, has a new award winning ‘Recite-me’ toolbar allowing visitors to customise the website so it works best for them, which is especially important for website users who have a range of neurodiverse conditions and disabilities.
FULL ARTICLE29 November 2019
Social work is about people and social workers support millions of people across the country every day. On Monday 2 December Social Work England will take over from the Health and Care Professions Council as the new specialist regulator for the profession.The purpose of Social Work England is to regulate the social worker profession so that people receive the best possible support whenever they might need it in life. They are committed to raising standards through collaboration with everyone who has an interest in social work, and they will also seek to promote confidence in the sector.
FULL ARTICLE29 November 2019
A coalition of organisations is campaigning for accessible housing under the banner ‘HoME – Housing Made for Everyone.’ The group has written an open letter to the next government to demand that urgent action is taken to tackle the growing shortage of accessible homes in the UK.
FULL ARTICLE29 November 2019
As we head into December Sheffield Libraries are hosting a number of events including a talk on Managing Sheffield’s Wildlife, the ‘History Of Sheffield Allotments, Exploring Historic Maps and Secret Soviet Sheffield. Look out for their new booklet planned for next year.
FULL ARTICLE27 November 2019
Healthwatch Sheffield have teamed up with Sheffield Carers Centre to find out more about carers’ experiences of GP practices. The first part of the work will be a focus group discussion with carers at Sheffield Carers Centre on Friday 6 December.
FULL ARTICLE25 November 2019
Wheels for Wellbeing is running its annual survey of disabled cyclists to find out about the latest needs and experiences of disabled people who cycle. The data they collect will be used to inform their ongoing policy and campaigning work, and will help to strengthen the voice of disabled cyclists in the UK.
FULL ARTICLE25 November 2019
The Carers UK Manifesto for Carers outlines the top priorities unpaid carers would want to see delivered by the next government.
FULL ARTICLE25 November 2019
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence ( from November 25 to December 10 ) is an international campaign calling for the elimination of all forms of gender based violence. Individual women from the Women’s Hub alongside representatives from local organisations have co-ordinated a programme of events in Sheffield.
FULL ARTICLE20 November 2019
Sheffield City Council are now following up the announcement of their ‘Big City Conversation’ with an online survey where you can let them know about the issues that affect you, your communities and your city. The survey closes on January 31 2020.
FULL ARTICLE20 November 2019
A General Election is taking place on Thursday 12 December 2019 and it is very important that the voices of disabled people are heard.If you have received a poll card at your address, then you are currently registered and can vote in the upcoming election stated on the poll card but if not you need to make sure you are registered to vote by midnight on Tuesday 26th November.
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Andrew Crooks
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