27 October 2022
Catch up and get involved with a drama group with a difference celebrating their first anniversary.Pyjama Drama has helped to put Disability Sheffield’s learning disablity group, Sheffield Voices, on the map nationally as a self-advocacy group that is challenging assumptions and practices in a creative way and is looking for new members from November 2022.
FULL ARTICLE27 October 2022
Together Women in Sheffield are offering Dance Workshops for Wellbeing for women from all backgrounds and experiences.The next sessions are on 1st and 8th November. You can also drop in every Monday to their Women Wellbeing Cafe and their VIBE project also offers drop in sessions for young women aged 12-19 to have a say on issues affecting them and bring about change.
FULL ARTICLE25 October 2022
Following considerable delays in the processing of new Personal Independence Payment claims the Department of Work and Pensions has announced making an extension of up to a year to existing PIP awards approaching their end of award date.This decision provides greater certainty for claimants and in particular helps with continuing to access other support for example a blue badge or travel pass.
FULL ARTICLE25 October 2022
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has published its annual review of adult social care complaints for 2021-22. The LGSCO stated that in many of the complaints it dealt with, cost was raised by councils as a justification for failing to provide or limiting care despite their clear duties under the Care Act 2014.
FULL ARTICLE24 October 2022
Sheffield United Community Foundation offers a variety of mental health support sessions for men, women and young people aiming to help improve mental and physical wellbeing. Their new Thearapy Club provides free personalised therapy sessions starting on 3rd November 2022.
FULL ARTICLE21 October 2022
The Equality Advisory Support Service, which advises on equality, human rights and discrimination,has released its latest engagement newsletter. This edition highlights new school arrangements and a rise in complaints from individuals diagnosed with cancer about the poor response for their employers.
FULL ARTICLE21 October 2022
To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, 70 paid placements for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are available across the country in the natural heritage sector. Disabled young people are among those whose applications will be prioritised by host organisations. The closing date for a placement in the Hope Valley is 12pm Friday 11th November 2022.
FULL ARTICLE18 October 2022
However you know about Disability Sheffield – as a service user or participant, as an individual employer, through our news bulletin or social media – have you ever thought you’d like to be more informed and get more involved in the work we do? We’d certainly love you to be! That’s why we’re inviting you to become a Friend of Disability Sheffield and it’s FREE.
FULL ARTICLE17 October 2022
Disability Sheffield and Sheffield City Trust are looking for disabled people to be part of our steering group to support more people with disabilities to get active at SCT leisure venues.We are working together to put disabled people in a better position to shape and influence future services and facilities. As a member of the group you will receive a free and full membership to SCT venues and activities, which includes the gym, classes and swimming.
FULL ARTICLE14 October 2022
Local mental health charity Sheffield Flourish and Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust are holding an art exhibition in November and want to feature your art – painting, photography, collage, drawing, whatever you would like to use.The theme this year is ‘This is Me’ and you can interpret that however you want to. The deadline for submissions is 1st November 2022.
FULL ARTICLESign up to our latest news on local and national disability related issues and events
Andrew Crooks
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