10 June 2020
Two of Britain’s best-known disability campaigners have very recently published this month detailing their views and experiences – and are hosting online launch events during the lockdown. Ellen Clifford and Bob Williams-Findlay are both veteran rights advocates who have fought many battles over the years.
FULL ARTICLE02 October 2019
Off The Shelf, one of Britain’s largest and most accessible literary events, returns to Sheffield from October 5-26 and this year is expanding into other parts of South Yorkshire. All the main venues have disabled access although you are asked to inform the box office when booking if you or a member of your party is a wheelchair user.
FULL ARTICLE27 June 2019
As the Invictus UK Trials take over Sheffield’s sporting venues this month there’s a programme of not to be missed, renowned and befitting art and cultural activities also taking place in the city.
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Andrew Crooks
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